Philippe L. - Site manager

Site manager
  • 💪 Expérience : Senior
  • 💰 Prix : 1200 € /j
  • 👷 Profil : Site manager
  • 📝 Type de contrat : Tous types de contrats
  • ✅ Disponible maintenant !
  • Régions : Monde entier
  • 🏭 Secteurs privilégiés : Tous les secteurs
  • 📅 Inscrit depuis le 16-12-2021
  • ✅ Ouvert aux contacts
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Transformational leader who consistently delivered significant impact on growth in the Energy Industry. Entrepreneurial disposition and ego-less, with a non-hierarchical management style. Selling instincts, Analytical and intuitive skills, Problem-solving abilities. Superior values, including a strong work ethic, a commitment to excellence, and the highest standards of team play. Effective and open communicator, Ability to work effectively with customers and dealing with complex requirements. Energized by challenges, driven by results, Substantial initiative, and desire to excel with demonstrated leadership skills.
I delivered complex FPSO projects in multiple overseas locations including Brazil and SE Asia. I setup local content strategies in Brazil and further implemented those solutions in-country, with strategic sourcing and creation of a Yard. I held Executive roles in Management Boards, Steering Committees, and Joint-Ventures. In addition, I have demonstrated creativity and entrepreneurship through a variety of roles in Corporate, Business Line, Supply Chain, and Project functions. These roles have provided me with an extremely well-developed technical and commercial background.
My ambition is to capitalize on my skills and experience to serve the Offshore Ecosystems, from traditional projects (Subsea-to-Surface) to transitional energy solutions (Renewables, CCUS) and alternative concepts (Floating Industries).

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  • Accompagnement juridique
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