Project manager

Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur.
  • 🏭 Secteur d'activité : Éolien
  • 🌏 Région : Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur.
  • 💪 Expérience : Confirmé Senior
  • 🧾 Type de contrat : freelance
  • 📅 Du 03-06-2024 au 29-11-2024
  • 💰 Prix : Non communiqué
  • 👷 Profil : Project manager
  • 📅 Annonce ajoutée le : 05-05-2024

  • Gestion de votre comptabilité
  • Contrat de travail
  • Protection sociale
  • Accompagnement juridique
En savoir plus sur le portage salarial

Description de la mission

Our client will be in charge of the two wind farms’ connection to the grid. This connection includes the export cables and the offshore substation(s):
Narbonnaise grid connection project in Area 1 (NAR), and
Fos grid connection project in Area 2 (FOS)

Survey area

The AO6 Fos Project includes the wind farm area + eventual extension, the offshore sub-station, the export corridor, and the landfall sites shown generally in the figure below.
The objectives of the survey campaigns are:
to provide information for identification of potential UXO (pUXO), their locations and density in the export cables corridor,
to provide data to the DRASSM to get a submarine archeological assessment of the area,
to provide sufficient seabed information and geological conditions for the detailed cable route design and engineering of the cable laying and protection.

The forecast dates (taking into account stand-by and external conditions) of the survey campaigns are given in the table below:

Offshore UXO – 3-9 weeks – From June to August 2024
Offshore UXO – Optional Branch – 3-6 weeks – June to August 2024
Nearshore UXO – Optional – 3-6 weeks – June to July 2024
Landfall Survey – Geophysical – 4 weeks – 15/09/2021 to 13/10/2024
Landfall Suvery – Geotechnical – 3 weeks – 07/11/2024 to 25/11/2024

*The dates shown are indicative only excluding weather stand by and may change due to weather conditions, granting of permits, and another external factors.

OCR profile

The OCR shall have experience or knowledge related to:
Geophysical survey (for the geophysical part of the scope, including MAG/UXO)
Geotechnical study (for the geotechnical part of the scope)
Survey Technology
Marine regulations
French speaker is a plus
Offshore Medical Certification
English mandatory
French is a plus

OCR missions

Before mobilization, the OCR shall:
Attend the HSE and quality briefings, as specified in the CCTG Frame Agreement OCR Rev2
Attend all meetings necessary to prepare the operations:
- There will be a dedicated meeting with 6-alpha (Employer’s technical support for UXO survey) to review data quality requirements (if they are made available to the OCR)
Propose a format of the Daily OCR Report, to be validated by the client. The Daily OCR Report shall cover:
log and performance over the last 24 hours
Planned activities for the next 24-48 hours
Issues (HSE, quality...)
General comments

The OCR shall provide daily follow-up and control of activities during mobilization and survey work, including but not limited to:
Verify the mobilization phase to confirm the vessel/barge is well equipped and loaded by the works to be performed
Verify that all equipment onboard is certified as per regulation
Check that works are performed according to the client specifications, contract between the client and the Survey Contractor, predefined procedures, best practices and legislation; it includes but is not limited to weather standby decision
Ensure the data obtained by the survey is of acceptable quality by reviewing raw and processed data (as much as possible)
Ensure FES, MOCs, and NCRs are submitted within the required timeframe
Check the Contractor Daily Progress Report: including ongoing activities, special facts, weather standby issues, and schedule for the next days
Address a Daily OCR Report to the client before 10:00, followed by a daily conference call with the client
Ensure the Survey Contractor executes the agreed project work scope safely, timely and efficiently by the contract, procedures and relevant legislation and alert the client if necessary
Stop work if performance or HSE is not by the contract, regulations, and state of the art. Such a decision will be duly justified and immediately reported to the client
Should there be an incident, ensure that the appropriate incident investigation and reporting is carried out
Establish and maintain effective operational communications with the client
Ensure the optimization of costs for the client, in particular for the management of the weather stand-by, optimization of survey operations, etc.
Ensure continuous sharing of information via Whatsapp group

Within the survey close-out phase, the OCR shall provide to the Companies a Close-out Report of Operation. Such close-out report shall contain:
Operational experience feedback
Performance reports and recommended improvements

  • Gestion de votre comptabilité
  • Contrat de travail
  • Protection sociale
  • Accompagnement juridique
En savoir plus sur le portage salarial